This is my attempt to get Wordpress running on OpenShift 2 using 2 gears. I would like to migrate my personal blog for John Yeary from Blogger to another blogging platform so that I have more control of the layout, and appearance. So I backed up the data from Blogger and used the import tool and it seems to have worked more amazingly than I could have imagined.
Connecting to the MySQL database on the gear requires a little more finesse since it is not exposed publicly. Great for security, but not so great for getting remote access. I used the rhc port-forward
command to accomplish the task.
rhc port-forward -a <application-name>
Here are the items that I see remaining:
Perform the same operations on a test blog, and see if blogger will forward requests correctly.Check permlinks to ensure that they still work.Setup SSL.Move media from the gear to cloud storage.Backup and restore database.Install Wordpress on another platform and use a newer version of MySQL to see if there are any issues.Add Google Adsense to see if they work.Test Amazon Associate links.Update Amazon Associates links.Add SSO Login API for DisqusFix broken links on posts.
So far it has worked. The blog is running on a 2 gears with a load balancer. I have migrated the blog. I still need to Adsense, and update Amazon Associates links.