Let me start by extending my deepest condolences to Ms Norgrove’s family. The work your daughter was doing to help the lives of those less fortunate is commendable. On behalf of all those who support those who help others, this loss is even more tragic.
I support an inquiry into the events of Ms. Norgrove’s death, but I am disheartened that their seems to be a bunch of finger pointing at the American Special Forces team that were attempting her rescue. The fact that Linda was kidnapped and being held against her will seems to be lost here. Also the fact that the commanders on the ground believed her to be in imminent danger seems to be overlooked.
I know that if I were Linda, I would have liked for someone to rescue me. I am sure she would understand that there was no malice, and that the brave team that went in to rescue her at their peril were trying to do the right thing.
I want to take a moment to say thank you to the troops who risked their lives to save her, and take with them a lessons learned. Hold your heads up high and don’t let this tragedy distract you from your mission.
Today, tomorrow, or next week you may be asked to go into harms way again to attempt a rescue of someone else, and that needs to be your focus.